Dell Technologies Malaysia creating world class customer relationships - their VeriSM™ story

Dell Technologies Malaysia creating world class customer relationships - their VeriSM™ story

The story below is written by a group of people from Dell Technologies Malaysia that were trained and certified in VeriSM™ Foundation in 2018 and VeriSM™ Professional end of 2019. The group – The VeriSM Warriors – was very enthusiastic about the content, training, and exam. They shared their insights and feedback with us, for which we are very thankful.

Dell Technologies Malaysia recognized that a single prescriptive way of working was not enough anymore to stay ahead of the competition and to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by Digital Transformation. As they said, more and more customers and partners were looking to deliver value with integrated service management practices in a bigger picture and with different practices that can be used to add value to their business.

As one of VeriSM Professionals writes in this paper: “VeriSM helps to remove rigidity and reduce the confusion by showing organizations how they can fit different approaches together and to move flexibly through them, in order to respond to the ever-changing technology and business environments.”

Someone else concluded: “If you want to be successful, the VeriSM approach is the way to go!”

Read the full article here

VeriSM Feedback Dell Technologies Malaysia