VeriSM™: the service management approach that helps organizations create a flexible operating model to deliver desired business outcomes aligned to the digital age

VeriSM™: the service management approach that helps organizations create a flexible operating model to deliver desired business outcomes aligned to the digital age

WHY does VeriSM™ matter to organizations?


VeriSM™ is not just another framework or methodology. VeriSM™ is a service management approach that helps organizations create a flexible operating model to deliver desired business outcomes.  It does not “lock you in” or force you to use a single methodology to deliver products and services. In fact, VeriSM™ helps you make sense of the various frameworks and methodologies and use what makes sense for your organization.

VeriSM™ provides the adaptability and flexibility the digital age demands, with the right amount of control that your organization needs. It helps you navigate the ever-changing business/technology landscape, so that your business can take advantage of the right technologies at the right time for the market you compete in.


WHAT will VeriSM™ provide?

Service management today is predominately found in the IT department. As services become an organizational responsibility, VeriSM™ helps overcome those pesky silos by elevating service management to the organizational level. Utilizing in-place governance and the pre-defined organizational principles, VeriSM™ exploits what is already in place and then assists the organization in developing the necessary elements to move service management to the enterprise level. VeriSM™ provides the practical guidance you need to do just that.

Unlike traditional service management frameworks and methodologies, VeriSM™ helps organizations focus on achieving business outcomes. That is where the value measure resides – do the delivered services provide the necessary outcomes to meet the consumer needs as well as the organizational needs. Service management as per VeriSM™ has moved beyond the “how to use a tool or methodology.”

Moreover, VeriSM™ doesn’t require the adopting organization to forget about the previous investments be it in tools, technology, management practices, or additional resources. VeriSM™ helps you leverage and build upon existing investments to prepare your organization for the digital age.

Services don’t stand still…and neither do your consumers. Your organization can not stand still. You need an approach that evolves as your organization evolves. The unique Management Mesh of VeriSM™ facilitates the evolution of products and services as your organization evolves.


HOW? The VeriSM™-model and the Management Mesh

In the VeriSM™ model, governance overarches every activity while keeping a strong focus on value and the organization’s goals. Service management principles evolve from the defined governance; they act as guardrails and make sure that all products and services are aligned with the needs of the organization, driven by the consumer perspective. Principles are defined for security, risk, quality and use of assets, and then communicated to all staff who are involved in the development and operation of products and services.

The VeriSM™-model:


The unique element of the VeriSM™ model is the Management Mesh. It provides a flexible approach that can be adapted depending on the requirements for a particular product or service. The mesh includes:

  • Resources
  • Environment
  • (Emerging) technologies
  • Management practices

For each product or service, these areas are considered, and the mesh is “flexed” where needed.



In this diagram the mesh is showing the requirements in red and the current resources or capabilities in green. The brownish color shows where the new requirement may impact current resources (e.g., do we have enough for this new product or service?). These areas require assessment to ensure the new (or changed) product or service will be able to meet the requirements. The bright red lines show elements where there is a gap in the requirements compared to the currently available resources and capabilities, so the provider must make a decision to either develop or source the necessary elements.

This diagram allows the service provider to have a discussion with the consumer that moves the conversation out of IT as the mesh looks beyond the physical IT-based requirements. But even with the IT requirements, the consumer has a better “feel” for how the organization can provide or has provided those elements.

More info on ‘how to get started’ with the Management Mesh and a link to a simple, practical tool can be found in this blog on the website of IFDCs partner, EXIN.


Next steps?

Two books have already been published. The first book – VeriSM™: Service Management for the Digital Age-  describing ‘what’ VeriSM™ is, and the second book – VeriSM™: Unwrapped and Applied – addressing the ‘how’.  A training and certification-scheme for different levels has been set up. Certification is available in various languages. The focus for the IFDC – the not-for-profit owner of VeriSM™ – is now to have more organizations working with VeriSM™ and sharing these experiences for the benefit of others. The coming months there will be more presentations and use cases and partnerships. All with the aim to further strengthen the network and eco-system.


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